











   These days, many Japanese artists are doing well in the world. Especially, Japanese girls pop idols become popular, but many boy pop idol groups have been also popular in Japan.




              The boys pop idols mean idol groups belonging the Johnny&Associates in many cases in Japan. The Johnny&Associates is a name of an entertainment production agency established by Johnny Kitagawa. Only men and boys belong to this production, so idol groups belonged Johnny’s consist of only men. Many artists belong to this production for example, TOKIO, V6, ARASHI, Kinki Kids and so on. These groups are consisted of 2~9 boys. Nine men belonged to Hey! Say! JUMP, it debuted 2007. This group has the most members in this company. The first group debuted from this company was Johnny’s in 1962. This group based on a baseball team it was gathered by Johnny Kitagawa. The “Sneaker Blues” was the first single CD sold one million sung by Masahiko Kondo in 1980. The “Sekai ni Hitotsudake no Hana” is the most sold CDs. It sold three millions from 2003 to 2019. The latest debuted group has been King&Prince. They debuted at 23rd , May, 2018. These Johnny’s artists are produced by Johnny Kitagawa. Many of Johnny’s shows are created by him. Johnny Kitagawa is a famous for winning the Guinness World Records. He won three Guinness Records. He is winning the records as a producer who is the most concerts, single CDs recorded top sells, and top singers produced.




              The boys pop idols can sing, dance, act, and talk. Each groups have own characteristics. Kinki Kids is good at singing. V6 can dance very excellent though all members are over 30  years old. Kanjani Eight is funny talking in many TV programs. “Kanjani Eight no Janiben” is recommended to show you. Which is very interesting with a full of laugher. Kis-My-Ft2,who is a Johnny’s idol group, can roller-skate. In many cases, Japanese boys pop idols carry out idols and actors. For example, Junichi Okada, who is a member of V6, acted as the leading actor in TAIGA Drama of NHK.(TAIGA drama is long running historical drama series on NHK TV.) Recently Sho Hirano, who is a member of King&Prince, is popular by acting main character of dramas and movies. He acted main character in “HANA NOCHI HARE” it was a Japanese drama. They can fulfill two or three roles because they have long carrier as the Johnny’s Jr.




    The Johnny’s Jr. means the egg of Johnny’s idols. Many Johnny’s idols experienced Johnny’s Jr. for about 5 years. Johnny’s Jr. become a Johnny’s idols by selling CDs. Johnny’s Jr. practice dancing and singing everyday. They work as back dancers in Johnny’s idols concerts and lives. It is different from Korean idols. However, concerts are held by only Johnny’s Jr.. SixTONES, Snow Man, Love-tune, Travis Japan held concerts at YOKOHAMA Arena. The arena accommodates 17,000 people. This concert is sold all seats. It means that these four groups have many fans. Sometimes they are acting in dramas, acts, and movies.  Many of them act as a small roll. For instance, HiHi Jets it is one of groups in Johnny’ s Jr. appeared on “DREAM BOYS” as assistants of Kis-My-Ft2.  Some of them act as a main roll. The main character of “Neet neet neet”, it is a movie is showed in this fall, is acted by Kentaro Yasui who is a Johnny’s Jr.. After this spring, Johnny’s Jr. has You Tube channels. This channels are divided each groups. It shows us each group’s characteristics. Please show this channel.





              The Johnny’s idols hold annual concerts. They launched around Japan. Occasionally, the concerts are held abroad. Kanjani-Eight held the concerts at Taiwan in 2018. Showing these shows is the best way to feel the Johnny’s ism.  The Johnny’s ism is “The show must go on”. Any Johnny’s artist has this spirit. It has also little Johnny’s Jr..Many fans can see their performances and meet Johnny’s idols at these concerts or lives. Their performances are cool, new, and excellent. Johnny’s idols use special stage sets. They are flying, and using water. The lives of Kis-My-Ft2 use the bank for roller-skating. Kis-My-Ft2’s performance is speedy thanks for roller-skating. One of the famous Johnny’s plays “TAKIZAWA KABUKI” use Japanese drum. In addition, the way they beat drums is characterized. The way calls “Hukkin Daiko”. Actors beat drum with doing sit-ups. Their costumes are also very beautiful. The costume is look like princes, pirates, and sports players. There are some costumes with Kimono motifs. Fans have round fans and penlights. Round fans are written messages for idols. Seeing these messages, sometimes idols give fan fan services. Fan services are waving their arms, blowing kisses and so on. Penlights are a kind of lights. It has features each group or concert. This shape sit on the theme of concerts. These things can see at concerts. Johnny’s concerts can go only members of the Johnny’s Family club. This club can be enrolled in people who have address in Japan. However, Johnny’s concerts are seen by other means. It is a DVD. Many of Johnny’s Lives are recorded on DVDs. This DVDs are sold by CD shops, online, and so on.

 ジャニーズアイドルは、年に一回日本や海外でコンサートをする。これらのショーを見ると、ジャニーズの「Show must go on」のスピリットを感じることができる。また、彼らのコンサートではフライングや水など特別な舞台セットを使うこともある。滝沢歌舞伎では、和太鼓を使って、「腹筋太鼓」というパフォーマンスをする。彼らの舞台衣装もとても美しい。また、コンサートの時、ファンはうちわとペンライトを持つ。うちわには、アイドルへのメッセージが書かれていて、それを読んだアイドルたちは時に、ファンサービスをしてくれる。ペンライトは、いろいろな色があって、グループやそのコンサートの特徴を表している。ジャニーズのコンサートは、ファンクラブ会員しか行くことができないが、DVD で見ることができる。




              All Johnny’s artists are produced by Johnny Kitagawa. The Johnny’s artists look like families. Senior idols cherish junior idols. Junior idols adore senior idols. That is characteristics of Johnny&Associates. Many Johnny’s idols and their songs are loved by Japanese people. Their songs can listen around Japan. Many CDs and DVDs are sold in Japanese CD shops. These things can buy online. Sometimes their songs and performances can watch You Tube. Please listen their songs, and find a your favorite group. Finally you would come Japan, and participate Johnny’s idols live.




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